P.O. Box 11837 Durham, NC 27703

Charity basketball game

April 9, 2016 all-day

Click here to download the event flyer.

D3 Community Outreach, a 501(c)3 organization based in Durham, North Carolina will kick-off our annual fundraising campaign with the “Beyond the Baseline” Charity Basketball Game!!!

Our organization builds on the potential of youth and young adults to achieve success. This Charity Basketball Game will serve as a key fundraising initiative to yield the funds necessary to support D3 Community Outreach’s programming. All of our organization’s programming is free and geared toward increasing youth access to educational and employable opportunities with the intent on eliminating the need for risky behaviors and barriers. Such examples of these barriers are, but not limited to, exiting high school early for various reasons, not attending institutions of higher education and/or feeling confined by the environment in which they live.

Beyond the Baseline is symbolic of the number of ways in which D3 Community Outreach goes above & beyond to support local youth and young adults within our community. Engaging students in activities such as sports, allows us to meet them were they are and empower them to enhance their skills on the court and their life…Beyond the Baseline.

Along with raising funds for the organization’s programming, the Charity Basketball Game is a family friendly event full of entertainment, hospitality, networking and fun!

Our mission is to be an organization of positive adults who empower and encourage disconnected youth/young adults through academics, service, entrepreneurship and athletics to become leaders and good stewards of the community.

If you have general inquiries and/or would like to become a sponsor for this event please send an email to info@d3communityoutreach.org

See you there!!!

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